Pillar of Wealth

Guide to Wealth

The link above will send you to a site that explains how to invest in a way that was popularized by a man named John Bogle. At its most basic, the ideal way of investing is to simply buy the entire market. The reasoning behind this is because, when seen from a zoomed-out perspective, the stock market tends to go up in value. By buying the entire market, your portfolio will tend to increase in value.

When it comes to investing, the name of the game is to beat the market. While there may be one or two people who can consistently beat the market, the truth of the matter is that the vast majority of people won't be able to do it. The best that the general population can do is to simply not be too far behind the market. By buying the entire market, one can ensure that one is not falling behind.

I believe that the best way of making money is by owning things. Earning revenue through ownership is how nobles of the past made their wealth and how they became so powerful. In some past societies, to be noble meant to own land. Modern-day aristocracy now owns shares in companies rather than land, and we shall do the same. Not to be mistaken though, the rich today still own vast swathes of land.