Pillar of Beauty

Guide to Beauty

Beauty is one of my favourite aspects of life. To live life with the assurance that you're beautiful is just a wonderful feeling. The link above is a collection of guides to improving one's beauty. You can find where they were collected from, and more from this site.

When a beautiful person does something, it has a romantic aspect that those who are less beautiful simply do not have. When observing someone who is attractive, it's not difficult to romanticize that act. I simply love the way beautiful people move through space or how they react to situations.

In ancient greece, one of the healthiest cultures hitherto, beauty was highly sought after. It was not merely a superficial characteristic but an indication of your background. It was believed that to be beautiful indicated that one was an aristocrat. Slaves were barred from gymnasiums, and so those who were the lowest in society were often unattractive. On the other hand, noble youths would often spend their time in gymnasiums, so as to perfect their physique. Philosophical schools in their time would often set up their lectures near gymnasiums, so as to attract noble youths. The concept of appearance being linked with nobility was called kalokagathia.