Pillar of the Body

Guide for the Body

Fitness has been one of the most enriching aspects of life that I have undergone. It has changed my life in innumerable ways and I could not imagine what I would be like today if I did not take fitness seriously. The link above will send you to a strength training program.

People tend to get caught up in which programs to use and, to be honest, it's kind of a mistake. When you're starting out, the best program is the one that you will stick to. Beginners will make extremely fast strength gains in whichever program they choose.

When seeing the progress you've made, the feeling is unmatched. Progress made in strength in the form of new personal records or just simply looking better in the mirror, they both give one a sense of fulfillment. Along side a sense of fulfillment is a number of physical benefits that everyone already knows.

For me personally, I like to focus on strength training and endurance. Speed is nice but I believe being able to maintain your top speed for extended periods of time is better than having a high top speed. In the end, my goal when it comes to running is to simply have a faster one mile run. In general, knowing that your body is capable of great feats gives one a feeling of nobility.

In ancient greece, physical fitness was highly regarded and one was incomplete if they did not participate in the gymnasium. Considering the role that the nobility played in society and their origins and history, an ideal greek aristocrat had to be healthy and physically ready for combat.