About Me


Age: 20
Sex: Male
Bench+Squat: 500
Bodyfat: 17%
Mile Run: 7min
GPA: 3.99
Net Worth: 16k

Hi! My name is Abac, and I'm from a small town in Canada. I am just a guy who is trying to become an exemplary human being. Not in the Christian sense, but in the Greek sense. If you've read some of the text on this site, you may have noticed me referencing ancient Greece to justify my values.

This is because of one of my favorite authors, Nietzsche. To Nietzsche, the Greek culture, primarily Homeric Greece, was the healthiest culture we have seen hitherto. They were a culture that was life-affirming and worshiped anything that was powerful. When faced with suffering, the Greeks rose to the occasion and said yes.

Another influence, that was extremely obvious, is Anne Rice. Anne Rice is the author of the Vampire Chronicles, a series of books that I have just recently gotten into. They're a significant part of this site, but it might not be forever. If something else should capture my interest, it could change the aesthetic of the site.

The primary reason for my fascination with the books is how the vampiric experience is described. Anne Rice's description of what it is like to be a vampire bears a striking similarity to what it is like to be on LSD. LSD is one of my favorite substances and one that inspires me in how to act in my day-to-day.